Saturday, December 11, 2010

सपने हकीकत का प्रारुप होते है

मेरी आँखों के सामने, मेरे सारे सपने दम तोड़ते नज़र आते है,
कितना भी समझाऊ सपनो को, वो क्यू मुझसे रूठ जाते है।

सोचा था कि ज़िन्दगी के सारे सपने पूरे करूँगा,
पर एक सपना पूरा हुआ कि "सारे सपने" सपने ही रह गए।
मेरी आँखों के ............

सपनो कि इस दुनिया में सब कुछ इतना हसीन क्यू होता है,
इसीलिए कुछ बुरे सपने भी हमें हसीन नज़र आते है।

पर जिस समय ज़िन्दगी को वर्त्तमान से रूबरू होना था,
उस समय में खुद सपनो कि दुनिया में खोया था,
शायद इसीलिए मेरी आँखों के .........

अब सोच रहा हु कि बहुत हुआ,
अब कोई नया सपना नहीं देखूंगा,
और जो सपने पुराने है पहले उन्हें पूरा करूँगा।

पर "
जिस" सपने को पूरा करना है,
वह स्वयं अलग सपनो से जुड़ा है।

इसीलिए समझ गया हु, ज़िन्दगी यही है,
सपना नहीं हकीकत है,
सपने को हकीकत में लाना है,
और यह बताना है कि,

मेरी आँखों के सामने मेरे सारे सपने बनते नज़र आते है
मेरी आँखों के सामने मेरे सारे सपने बनते नज़र आते
मेरी आँखों के सामने मेरे सारे सपने बनते नज़र आते

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Creative Advertisements

Lua de Papel: Fat

Inside of everyone there is a hidden personality. And sometimes, it comes to a visit.

Lua de Papel: Fat Disposable friend

Friends aren’t disposable. Disposable friend

Band Aid: Hulk

Band Aid: Hulk

Tok&Stok: Matches, Chairs

Tok&Stok: Matches, Chairs

Bangalore traffic police: Talk them dead, House-wife

Bangalore traffic police: Talk them dead, House-wife

Petrobras: Dolphins

Petrobras: Dolphins

Fedex: USA-Brazil

Fedex: USA-Brazil

Unicef: Toy soldiers

Unicef: Toy soldiers

Terra News: Obama

Be the second one to know.

Terra News: Obama

Brighton Language School

Fix your broken English

Brighton Language School

Mambocino Coffee Co.: Mug

Cialdi. Extra Strong.

Cialdi. Extra Strong.

Samsung MP3 Player: Elvis, Hip-hop, Opera

Samsung MP3 Player: Elvis, Hip-hop, Opera

National Geographic Kids Magazine

Air Pollution, Deforestation, Oil Spill

National Geographic Kids Magazine: Air Pollution, Deforestation, Oil Spill

Stihl: Lego Chainsaw

Stihl: Lego Chainsaw

Kerrygold: Feather

“Extra spreadable”

Kerrygold: Feather

Renault Clio RS: Sandglass

Renault Clio RS: Sandglass

Copenhagen Zoo: Snake Bus

Copenhagen Zoo: Snake Bus

Finding Nemo 2

Finding Nemo 2

Sony cotton stick

Anti-distortion HiFi. For a cleaner sound.

Sony cotton stick

Orion Telescopes: Moon



Your Eyes can add light to someone’s life


Volkswagen Crafter: Robot

Volkswagen Crafter: Robot

Adobe Photoshop Day cream

Adobe Photoshop Day cream

Something to Smile About

Something to Smile About

Reserved for drunk drivers

Reserved for drunk drivers

Words create Worlds

Words create Worlds

Tree Lungs

Tree Lungs




You can’t afford to be slow in an emergency

You can't afford to be slow in an emergency

Help Yourself

Help Yourself



Cookie splash! v6

Cookie splash! v6

Tómate un descanso del sol

Tómate un descanso del sol Me Me






You never kill just the tree

You never kill just the tree

Copenhagen 2009

Copenhagen 2009

Zorlu Energy Group: Escalator

Zorlu Energy Group: Escalator

How mind runs!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Personification results Natural Identity

If I talk about personification in life then it signifies the metaphorical behaviour of a person or object. Here, I would like to talk about the person who stand high as much as, one can't touch it. Most of us aware of the all time great epic- "Ramayana". In this epic, four characters say Ram, Sita, Rawan and Hanuman, personifies different psyches and even the central theme of the Ramayana is the exploration of the psyche within oneself.

The epic shows the perfect demarcation of good from evil. All above mentioned characters represent different dimensions of human psyche; out of which some dimensions need to be retrieved and utilise it to the fullest and others, which are unimportant and debauched notions are required to be omitted from the behaviour.

Goddess Sita personifies the inner struggle with the soul, which has got distanced from the Self. Even as she gets caught in a web of misfortune and hardship to overcome herself from which she requires great resoluteness and strength of character, Goddess Sita’s story
exemplifies the trials of the innocent jivatma, struggling to understand the willingness and strength from the outside world – but which she must try to understand from a mature perspective to see
the world as witness the way Rama does as he lives through his trials.

God Rama personifies the man of principle with cent percent advocacy to his belief and also for his constituency. In the epic, his character express more from his mature and a right kind of attitudinal response in the situation when others are called on for his verdict over the prevailing societal boundary and the trade off to overcome it. He is the man who diluted person at the cost of truth and the responsive actions to the governing but ruling circumstances. His mature approach is ultimately put to the test as he faces public scorn and censure. Torn between his love and regard for Sita and the public call for her abandonment, Rama is faced with complexities that a seeker faces in
the material world, with its pulls and pushes. The trial-by-fire that Sita is subject to is a trial of both Sita and Rama who both personify the seeking of one on t
he path that is free of dualities. One is an innocent mind which matures through gaining awareness of the manipulative egos of others; the other is a mature mind that makes a choice in a traumatic and tricky situation.

God Ravana is because most of the South Indian and Sri Lankan people worship
him. Although he was a great saint with lots of knowledge to create and retain his power within his soul, but he mis-comprehend the knowledge and wisdom of Lord Rama, which signifies that when end of a person's life comes then his knowledge is of no use to keep away from the hand of almighty. Ravana is the competitive mind, confined by its desires. His ego mind seeks to control and possess everything around him for ego and gratification. He exemplifies the non-discriminating seeker, who, though scholarly and knowledgeable, does not ground that knowledge in a compassionate, universal vision. Blinded by arrogance, Ravana is unable to fulfil his dharma. His is also the spontaneous mind held captive by desire. Ravana personifies a mind that is a storehouse of desire rather than a tool of understanding. An egocentric mind is a threat to other minds and is capable of self-delusion, too. What is required is to unlearn and then relearn to cultivate a non-dualistic perspective.

Lord Hanuman’s is the alert and agile mind supported by
Lord Brahma, that understands the need to adapt and adjust creatively to difficult situations with the willpower of a karma yogi. Devoid of ego, he is able to surrender completely to Divine Will, despite obstacles, with strength and confidence. He is in turn preceptor to Sita and Rama, who turn to him for a different perspective. Hanuman is a soul of Lord Shankar, so by connecting the dots across the table, one can easily comprehend the person's nature and behaviour to wide variety of circumstances which he/ she is entangled around his whole life. Knowledge is for share and utility of it for the betterment of the society and not for fulfilling one's own desire.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Incredible Architecture


Its quite a long time since I posted a blog, but I admit that I lose sincerity in writing the same. Today one incidence forced me to do this- that is writing a new blog.

As usual, I wake up in the morning at 7AM and after being fresh, I took my brush and paste and start scrubbing my teeth. As per daily routine I used to see green leaves of mango tree planted in my garden for fresh and a happy day. Abruptly my eye focused on one small object which was hardly 4 centimeters in width and with distinct physical appearance than branches and leaves of tree. By making close observation and thorough examination on the nest, I realized that the radius of the nest is approximately 2Cm., so of circular in 3D appearance. One Mother sparrow along with 3 newborn sparrows, are sitting in the nest. Mother sparrow was feeding her newborn sparrows with all possible efforts. By seeing this, I come to realize that all Mothers are of similar nature whether they belong to human community or of any animals class.

Then I started noticing the base on which that nest was built. No foundation, no column, no beam, and other materials like steel rod, concrete, cement, etc. are absent. So, one question pop-up in my mind, i.e., Is this nest susceptible to strong wind, huge rain fall and other natural calamities? because I know that a small Richter scale of earthquake results annihilation of giant architectures.

This nest is built with small fibers and other thin twigs of plants which have no strength but their interlinking and interlocking make it enough strength so that it can carry weights of those four sparrows.

One thing I realized today that God has given each and everyone with enough power, skills and strength so that one can save himself/ herself from the external environment, and with positive attitude he/ she can conquer over the world. I found positive attitude in birds by building nest on the meager base branches. Other one is "Survival of the fittest" is apt.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Are you killing your data??????

Digeus System Optimizer is the smartest way to solve computer problems and protect your valuable data. This easy-to-use software helps you eliminate system crashed, prevent computer problems, and restore your system to a healthy state.
Eliminates system crashes, freezes and slowdowns
Automatically identifies and repairs common Windows problems
Easy to download, install and use
Free support and service
Here is a list of tools included in suite:
Registry cleaner safely cleans, repairs and optimizes the Windows registry with a few simple mouse clicks! Problems with the Windows registry are a common cause of Windows crashes, slow performance and error messages. By using a registry cleaner regularly and fixing registry errors your system will be more stable and run at peak performance.
Fixing registry errors will speed up your computer
Eliminates BSOD (Blue Screen of Death)
Cleans the registry to fix Windows errors and crashes
Speeds up boot up time
This is one of the most popular registry cleaners on the Internet
Reduces the size of the Windows registry
The automatic backup creation of the repaired registry entries
Keeping the registry as compact as possible means better computer performance. Registry Defragmenter is fast becoming a useful and essential tool in keeping your registry defragmented. As a result, the Registry becomes compact and small, greatly improving your computer performance.
Improves your Windows PC's overall performance and stability
Reduces the amount of time it takes your system to boot
A simple, user-friendly interface with which you can safely compact the registry
Prevents registry corruption by building a fresh copy of the registry
Junk Files Cleaner allows you to find and remove various types of junk and unnecessary files from your computer. Many of the Windows applications create junk files. Normally, such files are deleted by the application that had created them as soon as it did not need them. However they may remain permanently on your hard drive if there is an unexpected termination of the parent application, a system crash, etc.
Identifies over 50 different types of junk files
Speeds up hard drive searching performance
Frees up valuable space on your hard drive
Boosts speed of Windows
Runs much more quickly than others in its class
Full of photos, books, movies and music ? Duplicate Files Finder can find duplicates of any files: text, binary, music, video, images, etc. It will scan your system and at the end will give you a list of duplicate (identical) files, so you can remove them to reclaim your hard disk space.
Regains plenty of disk space
Finds and deletes duplicate files - music, video, documents, application
Prevents the "Insufficient disk space" problem
Frees up your storage space and increase computer performance
Works with removable media devices like Floppy, USB, etc.
When your hard drive fills up, the quickest way to find out which files are hogging the space is to use a specialist utility that displays your disk space usage visually. Disk Space Analyzer generates chart showing disk usage distribution according folders and files.
Scans files, folders, drives size
Analysis of the selected drive or directory
Graphical chart
List of files/folders according to its criteria
Sort by file name & size
Easy to use
Smart Uninstaller is a tool designed to help you keep your system clean by removing unwanted applications and broken Registry links. The program analyzes "uninstall" link information for applications that you have previously installed on your system. It checks whether or not these links point to existing files and helps you uninstall applications that you no longer need.
Extends internal system uninstaller with features to find and delete left traces (e,g registry keys, folders etc.)
Improves your Windows PC's overall performance and stability
Reduces the size of the Windows registry. It results in faster and more stable PC performance
Frees up valuable space on your hard drive taken by leftovers
Do you know that there are lots of services and drivers that work in Windows in background? They consume CPU and Memory resources. Do you need all of those services and drivers? Are they configured optimally to serve you better? Service Manager offers interactive way to configure services and drivers and stop ones you don't need.
Interactive way to configure services and drivers
Automatically tweaks system services and drivers for better performance
Finds more information about services or driver
Recovers CPU & Memory resources taken by unneeded services and drivers
This program offers a solution for taking control of the programs that are loaded during Windows startup. You have the ability to enable, disable, add, edit and remove programs from being loaded at the start of Windows. It also has the ability to store the startup information in several areas of the computer.
Full control of the programs that are loaded during Windows startup
Add/remove/edit startup items
Task scheduler configurator
Privacy Protection is an innovative solution for your online privacy issues. This program is equipped with features such as cleaning the secret index.dat file, typed urls, cookies, cache, most recently used data among other things. It increases the speed of your PC by removing all unnecessary files and makes more hard disk space available for use. It also removes all traces of applications and internet history.
Boosts PC and internet speeds up to 300%
Clear the history of sites you have visited
 All browsers are supported
 Protect you from prying eyes

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