Saturday, October 16, 2010

Personification results Natural Identity

If I talk about personification in life then it signifies the metaphorical behaviour of a person or object. Here, I would like to talk about the person who stand high as much as, one can't touch it. Most of us aware of the all time great epic- "Ramayana". In this epic, four characters say Ram, Sita, Rawan and Hanuman, personifies different psyches and even the central theme of the Ramayana is the exploration of the psyche within oneself.

The epic shows the perfect demarcation of good from evil. All above mentioned characters represent different dimensions of human psyche; out of which some dimensions need to be retrieved and utilise it to the fullest and others, which are unimportant and debauched notions are required to be omitted from the behaviour.

Goddess Sita personifies the inner struggle with the soul, which has got distanced from the Self. Even as she gets caught in a web of misfortune and hardship to overcome herself from which she requires great resoluteness and strength of character, Goddess Sita’s story
exemplifies the trials of the innocent jivatma, struggling to understand the willingness and strength from the outside world – but which she must try to understand from a mature perspective to see
the world as witness the way Rama does as he lives through his trials.

God Rama personifies the man of principle with cent percent advocacy to his belief and also for his constituency. In the epic, his character express more from his mature and a right kind of attitudinal response in the situation when others are called on for his verdict over the prevailing societal boundary and the trade off to overcome it. He is the man who diluted person at the cost of truth and the responsive actions to the governing but ruling circumstances. His mature approach is ultimately put to the test as he faces public scorn and censure. Torn between his love and regard for Sita and the public call for her abandonment, Rama is faced with complexities that a seeker faces in
the material world, with its pulls and pushes. The trial-by-fire that Sita is subject to is a trial of both Sita and Rama who both personify the seeking of one on t
he path that is free of dualities. One is an innocent mind which matures through gaining awareness of the manipulative egos of others; the other is a mature mind that makes a choice in a traumatic and tricky situation.

God Ravana is because most of the South Indian and Sri Lankan people worship
him. Although he was a great saint with lots of knowledge to create and retain his power within his soul, but he mis-comprehend the knowledge and wisdom of Lord Rama, which signifies that when end of a person's life comes then his knowledge is of no use to keep away from the hand of almighty. Ravana is the competitive mind, confined by its desires. His ego mind seeks to control and possess everything around him for ego and gratification. He exemplifies the non-discriminating seeker, who, though scholarly and knowledgeable, does not ground that knowledge in a compassionate, universal vision. Blinded by arrogance, Ravana is unable to fulfil his dharma. His is also the spontaneous mind held captive by desire. Ravana personifies a mind that is a storehouse of desire rather than a tool of understanding. An egocentric mind is a threat to other minds and is capable of self-delusion, too. What is required is to unlearn and then relearn to cultivate a non-dualistic perspective.

Lord Hanuman’s is the alert and agile mind supported by
Lord Brahma, that understands the need to adapt and adjust creatively to difficult situations with the willpower of a karma yogi. Devoid of ego, he is able to surrender completely to Divine Will, despite obstacles, with strength and confidence. He is in turn preceptor to Sita and Rama, who turn to him for a different perspective. Hanuman is a soul of Lord Shankar, so by connecting the dots across the table, one can easily comprehend the person's nature and behaviour to wide variety of circumstances which he/ she is entangled around his whole life. Knowledge is for share and utility of it for the betterment of the society and not for fulfilling one's own desire.

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