Saturday, October 2, 2010

Incredible Architecture


Its quite a long time since I posted a blog, but I admit that I lose sincerity in writing the same. Today one incidence forced me to do this- that is writing a new blog.

As usual, I wake up in the morning at 7AM and after being fresh, I took my brush and paste and start scrubbing my teeth. As per daily routine I used to see green leaves of mango tree planted in my garden for fresh and a happy day. Abruptly my eye focused on one small object which was hardly 4 centimeters in width and with distinct physical appearance than branches and leaves of tree. By making close observation and thorough examination on the nest, I realized that the radius of the nest is approximately 2Cm., so of circular in 3D appearance. One Mother sparrow along with 3 newborn sparrows, are sitting in the nest. Mother sparrow was feeding her newborn sparrows with all possible efforts. By seeing this, I come to realize that all Mothers are of similar nature whether they belong to human community or of any animals class.

Then I started noticing the base on which that nest was built. No foundation, no column, no beam, and other materials like steel rod, concrete, cement, etc. are absent. So, one question pop-up in my mind, i.e., Is this nest susceptible to strong wind, huge rain fall and other natural calamities? because I know that a small Richter scale of earthquake results annihilation of giant architectures.

This nest is built with small fibers and other thin twigs of plants which have no strength but their interlinking and interlocking make it enough strength so that it can carry weights of those four sparrows.

One thing I realized today that God has given each and everyone with enough power, skills and strength so that one can save himself/ herself from the external environment, and with positive attitude he/ she can conquer over the world. I found positive attitude in birds by building nest on the meager base branches. Other one is "Survival of the fittest" is apt.

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