Wednesday, March 3, 2010

"Dark Side of Kabul Attack"

Till the time Pakistan is under controlled of army, there would be no end of terrorism, no peace in Afghanistan and no solution of Kashmir. Even Pakistan Army understands very well that they can’t take Kashmir by war. So they have only one tool i.e., terrorism. Pakistan people are against of terrorism but how they can cope with their country’s army who is invariably support to terrorism.

So I am asking couple of questions. What is the meaning of attack on Indians in Kabul? Who is really responsible for that; Afghans? Surely not. Afghans are self-effacing to India than any other country in the world. They are also modest to America. India is away from all these interference between countries America, Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc. and also not handling the politics of Afghanistan. Why Indians are targeted in Afghanistan? Indians are targeted in well strategized manner.

At the initial attack on Indian Embassy and after that officers and workers are targeted. Who did this? This attack was quite different from other attacks of the country. Indian were recognized and then killed. Would I state more evidence to prove that, who did this. It’s implicit that attack was from Pakistani. Like other host government gets the allegations, so for us Indians are contemplating to Afghanistan’s Government. But the true resident of Afghanistan know that there is no differentiating feature between Afghan-Pathan and Pakistan-Pathan and because of this there is no eye on the to-fro of Pathans across the border of the two nation. So better to put blind allegation on the local Government, lets try to find the real people who are behind of these attacks.This attack was done by those Jihadists who are shielded by Pakistani Army and ISI. This was proved by America in last year’s attack on Indian Embassy. Terrorist can’t do the well planned attacks and destructive assaults at any point of time. We can also take for granted that civilian government has no role in attack, but what to say on other face of coin, which is headed by General Ashfaq Parvez Kiyaani. Kiyani himself wants Afghanistan to be their supporter for the time when India attack on Pakistan. At least they have some sort of space to bear the punch of India i.e., at the time of contingency Pakistan can move in Afghan’s region. So we can correlate it by saying that if this kind of relation nurturing in between India and Afghanistan is going well in future as well, Pakistan can’t justify their dream. That is why; Pakistan does the attack at short and regular interval of time, so that Indians working on Afghanistan’s land may escape from the nation. But every time it happens antagonistically.

Probably there are two possibilities or negative achievements to the Pakistan Government. First, by attacking on Indians in Afghanistan led them to stop the progress of Zaranj-Delaram road project. This connecting route helps the Afghanistan to make road-way trade between other Middle East, Asian and European countries. Previously, they had to rely on the Pakistanfor trades and use of road-way route to move across their country. India helped Afghanistan for the Zaranj-Delaram road project and made them self-sufficient for trade across border. Zaranj-Delaram road is located on Afghan-Iran border. It also helps India to move into Middle East countries and Europe by land route.

Second, India already supported Afghanistan to build their Parliament House with Rs.6000 crore. On one part, Pakistan have fun that American Force leave Afghanistan land by 2011, but on the other hand, India probably will give army support to Afghanistan by sending their troops in Afghan’s land itself. And if India doesn’t send their troops in Afghan’s land, but still there would be probability that at the time of contingency Afghanistan Army support India. So in case of war between two nation’s i.e, India and Pakistan, then Pakistan country will be entangled by two of its main site i.e., India and Afghanistan. In this sense also there is overall loss to Pakistan only.

Till the time Pakistan is under controlled of army, there would be no end of terrorism, no peace in Afghanistan and no solution of Kashmir. Even Pakistan Army understands very well that they can’t take Kashmir by war. Now they have only one tool i.e., terrorism. Pakistan people are against of terrorism but how they can cope with their country’s army who is really responsible for terrorism.

There is a video which help you to understand a bit.


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