Friday, February 12, 2010

"To whom we can believe!!!!"

It was the news of 2009 before parliamentary elections, when there occurred engross debate on the ‘processes and techniques’ through which one can deposits his or her money in Switzerland banks. One of the leading Britain’s media proved that India is the country, whose maximum black money is deposited in Swiss Banks.

At that time, our Yoga Guru, Baba Ramdev along with other citizens asserted that India is the only country whose moral pillars always supports it; in terms of ethics- values, honesty, culture, etc. But reality is itself depicting the contemporaneous condition of this country. India is one of the countries, where corruption is dominant and prevailed in the arteries and veins of people over moral values.

The conclusion drawn from the corruption part is that although British ruled India for more than 150 years, but the loot they did in those years was very less when it compares with the duration of 60 years after Indian independence. So there is no means to dilute the above mentioned conclusion i.e., the maximum deposits are from India in all Swiss banks.

The recent scam of Madhya Pradesh came in flood light when Income Tax officer marched to the residence of IAS couple named Arvind Joshi and Teenu Joshi. The officer amazed to see the cash seized from their home, which is around 3 crores. After that, counting began and cash is not around 50K or 100K, it was 3 crores, so for counting this lump of money, IT officers have to call for currency counting machine. Along with this cash, other properties also came in to picture whose worth is of crores of rupees. This kind of corruption capriciously opens eyes of other people and Govt. and entangling themselves with the present regulations in system.

By seeing that example of corruption, I come to understand that how many people in India are really honest. The person on whom we believe and even dressed with responsibilities, are doing such patty things which leads us to think that, Is India in right hand of the dressed responsible personnel? If we can do honestly something good for our country then probably we can’t have to wait. It’s not the condition of Madhya Pradesh but whole India is suffering from this. They are the real parasites which require insecticides to curb. We are the future of India, so be honest toward what we are doing and we will do.

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