Sunday, February 14, 2010

"Valentine Day V/s Garba V/s Terrorism"

First of all, Happy Valentine's Day. Keep loving your close one.

As India is famous for its culture, festivals, and many more things which foreigners like. I would like to mention two scenarios of India, where at the end you come to realize how far we are and how close we are. Firstly, if we are talking about any group people, who oppose the valentine day to the fullest, are not peace loving creature. They simply bias towards their mindset. They don’t want to think out of the box. They don’t want to see reality of life. When these kinds of creatures play luster role in the society, then suddenly my mind blinks up with so many past incidents which propel me to hate to the depth of the deepest ocean, to these creatures. I simply called these creatures as POOR fellows.

Secondly, I would like to talk about Garba Mahotswa or Navratri. It is India’s one of the best festivals, in which hindu people do worship for nine days to please goddess Durga. Few years ago, those people who engrossed in worshiping Maa Durga, were doing Garba dance for nine days and at that time doing Garba was holy dance and full of devotion at the ambiance of Maa Durga. But as fast as western culture penetrates India, Garba dance turned into DJ dance i.e., full of movie songs and album, with high beats music. Are these creatures sleeping? Even in simple way they are one of the organizers of new generation Garba. So by organizing they will entertain themselves with lots of money and enjoyment.

These are the two aspects of those biased group. Now I am going to explain one more part of their
mindset. Every corner of the world was well acquainted with the 26/11 attack on India. And with dossier and other evidences confirmed that the concerned activists were from our neighbor country i.e., Pakistan. For that, Govt. is doing things and taking decisions, actions, which are well designed by knowledgeable people and prominent personalities, so I am not pointing fingers on these.

But whenever I get the news about MNS and ShivSena activities on the eve of Valentine day, then I feel they are the internal spoiler of peace in the country. If two people are ready to spend life together and they are enjoying the ‘Right to Freedom’ then why creatures of these groups think that they are the real care taker of Indian culture. As Indian culture also include peace in the country, so by this they are contradicting themselves with their group’s objective. Now the real picture came in flood light when terrorist were in Mumbai or they did serial blasts in trains and other public places, where these peace loving creature were present. I haven’t got any news in which any chief of ShivSena or MNS come in front of media and have taken oath to fight to the same.

North Indians are restricted to Maharashtra state, because they don’t know Marathi language to communicate. But is it really matters a lot in a country like India, who always claims that it is the biggest democracy of the world. As our mother tongue (Rashtra Bhasha) is HINDI language and other languages are equally respectable as this language. So, why often issues created? They push and beat North Indian people and always tell them to leave their state. Contrast to this, when Indians were killed and beaten-up by Aussies in Australia, then they protest for that, and proclaim that they will not allow Aussies player to play cricket (IPL) in their Maharashtra state.

WHAT A POLITICS SIR JI? And please clear your concept first, what you want.

Probably I am biased by writing this blog and might be it hurts to those who favour these groups, but it hurts a lot to me, when I encountered the news like “Bund, Dharna, avoiding North Indians, or protesting movie- My Name is Khan”. Please guys don’t create discriminate among Indians. Don’t play politics? If you want to do something for this country, my country and your country, then do something fruitful.

Please have a glance on this video: Attack on IBN7

Friday, February 12, 2010

"To whom we can believe!!!!"

It was the news of 2009 before parliamentary elections, when there occurred engross debate on the ‘processes and techniques’ through which one can deposits his or her money in Switzerland banks. One of the leading Britain’s media proved that India is the country, whose maximum black money is deposited in Swiss Banks.

At that time, our Yoga Guru, Baba Ramdev along with other citizens asserted that India is the only country whose moral pillars always supports it; in terms of ethics- values, honesty, culture, etc. But reality is itself depicting the contemporaneous condition of this country. India is one of the countries, where corruption is dominant and prevailed in the arteries and veins of people over moral values.

The conclusion drawn from the corruption part is that although British ruled India for more than 150 years, but the loot they did in those years was very less when it compares with the duration of 60 years after Indian independence. So there is no means to dilute the above mentioned conclusion i.e., the maximum deposits are from India in all Swiss banks.

The recent scam of Madhya Pradesh came in flood light when Income Tax officer marched to the residence of IAS couple named Arvind Joshi and Teenu Joshi. The officer amazed to see the cash seized from their home, which is around 3 crores. After that, counting began and cash is not around 50K or 100K, it was 3 crores, so for counting this lump of money, IT officers have to call for currency counting machine. Along with this cash, other properties also came in to picture whose worth is of crores of rupees. This kind of corruption capriciously opens eyes of other people and Govt. and entangling themselves with the present regulations in system.

By seeing that example of corruption, I come to understand that how many people in India are really honest. The person on whom we believe and even dressed with responsibilities, are doing such patty things which leads us to think that, Is India in right hand of the dressed responsible personnel? If we can do honestly something good for our country then probably we can’t have to wait. It’s not the condition of Madhya Pradesh but whole India is suffering from this. They are the real parasites which require insecticides to curb. We are the future of India, so be honest toward what we are doing and we will do.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

"Now taste remains the same but the source has changed!!!"

As we have seen that sugar price in India is increased by more than 100 percent. The reason is that India is facing problems in compensating the country’s requirement because of scarce water, competition among crops and rising consumer demands. So does it mean that upcoming generation will short-off sugar? Of course not, we have one more substituted-solution to grab.

Thanks to corn which helps us in an economically way. Corn contains starch, which yields a thick sweet liquid called High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS). As because of thick liquid nature, it can’t be converted in to table sugar crystal, which we use at home. This type of sugar can be used in those processes which require melted liquid sugar, instead of crystalline form. For example, we can use HFCS sugar in cakes, confectionary, sweets, ice creams, cold drinks and also in wines. Its sweetening index can be adjusted by modulating level of fructose to glucose. Some of the HFCS are even 30% sweeter than cane sugar.

USA is using this sugar since last 30 years, because there is very less production of cane. Sugar cane in India was cheap and plentiful. But at present India is not able to establish equilibrium between demand and supply, thereby causing sugar price to reach at Rs.45 per kilogram.

India grows about 18 million tonnes corn annually and one kilogram gives 600 gm fructose. Industry watchers say, at current corn prices, the basic grade - HFCS 45% - would cost Rs 26/kg at factory gate and can reach the wholesale market in barrels, after paying tax, at about Rs 32/kg. By-products will fetch extra incomes to firm. Suddenly, locally produced fructose is the smart cheaper alternative.

Advantages of HFCS:

Corn production requires less water, less nutrients and less educated labour than cane. It can be grown by marginal farmers in Bihar, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesha, etc.

Many corporate are planning to entertain this sector by entering in it. India’s first HFCS factories are expected to start manufacturing within next six months. “We will start with HFCS 45%. Our calculations show that local fructose will always be at least Rs 2/kg cheaper than sugar. That would mean big saving for industrial users. Moreover, with a 30% import duty, there is no threat yet from imported HFCS,’’ said a player in the starch industry.

The overall success of HFCS- corn sector can be analyzed by the acceptance of industrialist and people who consume it.

Cola companies are among India’s biggest consumer of cane-sugar. For compensating their requirements, they collect sugar from every part of India. Although in western countries, they use HFCS 55%, in premium grade in beverages. But Indians are very reluctant to change their taste. It’s a matter of concern for HFCS’s manufacture that at what standard (in terms of HFCS %) it will penetrate in the Indian market and liking by the people. Last year PepsiCo gave its American consumers a nip of what we drink by introducing Pepsi and Mountain Dew “Throwback” versions, made with pure sugar instead of HFCS, as a two-month promotion.

If HFCS comes in a behavior of country people thereby it can replace even 30% cane sugar of consumption, will cause to resist of importing sugar from other countries, and we will be self-sufficient. But the question is that when it challenges the monopoly of cane sugar and defeats the same. But as far as price of sugar is concerned, then it will soon to take charge.

Which one is sweet cane or corn?

Hint: decide on the basis of prices/kg they offer.

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