Monday, January 4, 2010

"3 Idiots!!!"

If each and everyone are same, then I am like you and you are bound to attend my lectures, give attendance and I want to enjoy your free time.

Is this something absolute in the world? Noppps.

I am an Idiot, like Amir Khan mentioned in his movie “3 Idiots”. I saw this movie day before yesterday with close observations in the way, Amir acts. He played a fantastic role and I found that how he is very particular about his role in the movie. As the interval came I keep reminding other distinguished movies like “Rang De Basanti” and “Taare Zameen Par”. Can you make any correlation between these three movies? From my perspective, I am able to interpret these three movies collectively, which are as follows:

  • The central idea of those movies to have transformation in life.
  • Always listen to your heart i.e., what you want to do?
  • Always give your cent percent and put efforts in the right direction at right time.
  • If you do not like to do study or other activities, then there is something in you which probably you don’t know but if you can explore yourself to the fullest you are at top of the world.
  • And at last, the value of idea or plan is ZERO until and unless it is implemented.

In the movie “Rang De Basanti”, which shows, “How DJ and his friends changed because of unjustifiable judgments of politicians about death of MIG pilot Ajay”, which enlighten all those guys to do something to get rid of rusty system.

Again in the movie “Taare Zameen Par” depicts that every child is special and engrossed with a phenomenal quality. So explore it.

Finally “3 Idiots” came in the light, but because of competitive and complicated education system of India, it lacks strength. For example, knowledge of the student is verified by his or her grades or marks and creates differences among them. Other example, if one student wants to study Physics in his or her bachelor degree, then he or she has to study other allied subjects like Foundation, Chemistry, etc. Why he or she is not allowed to study Physics as a subject alone?

Another part is like, students at the age, when they passed Senior Secondary Exams, are not enough mature to elect the subjects of their interest and most of the time parents decides the subject which they feel good for their child. And when they learn further and they come to know that this subject is not meant for them, at that time they become frustrated and can’t escape from their past decision. For example, students who elect Commerce as their subject to study, can’t take admission in Engineering or Bachelor Degree in Science colleges after successful completion of their Higher Secondary Exam. At that time if they want to change their subject, education system doesn’t allow them to change. Right!! And even if Lord Bramha Ji do request to change the subject to the ‘System’, still system doesn’t allow. Woww!!

So probably we need to understand what we want and not take decisions on consideration of other’s will or concern. Because at present, everyone is a BRAND, and by this way he or she creates difference from others.


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