Tuesday, January 19, 2010

First cardiologist- Lord KRISHNA

The Great Cardiologist:

Cardiologist i.e., heart specialists always advising their patients as well as the general public to take care of their heart. With the advancement in technologies and globalization leads everyone to work fast in small span of time. The inherent competitions and to cater the needs of unnatural desires, killing millions of people worldwide. This is due to cardiovascular disease. This disease can be cured by creating harmony in medical advice with holistic living.

The way someone takes his or her life
totally depends on his or her lifestyle. For having a healthy heart, one needs to synchronize their thoughts, actions, and deed. It results mind to averse from anxiety, worries and tensions. This creates an aura of calm and self-composed.

The basics require are balanced diet, regular exercise, yoga and meditation. Frankly it doesn’t create any harm to your body. If someone wants to become mentally strong, then praying to God can be much beneficial. This develops a sense of positivity in one’s body which helps to be consistent in peace, progress and happiness.

Let’s first talk about ancient epic, the Mahabharata. In this epic, Kauravas played gamble against Pandavas and captured all their assets illicitly. So to keep all free, war occurred in between them. Pandava prince, Arjun was confused and depressed to war, so for he required a cardiologist named KRISHNA. Krishna delivered the Bhagwat Gita to impart pragmatic wisdom of verse 57 of Chapter 2 to Arjuna. It suggests following points:

  • He talks about the correlation between good and evil.
  • A balanced mind, which is achieved by not expressing over-enthusiasm by accomplishing good results and not getting depressed to much with failure in life.
  • “The one whose mind remains undisturbed by sorrow and, in who, the unquenchable thirst for pleasure has altogether disappeared, and who is free from passion, fear and anger, is called the one who is of stable mind.”

By enabling all these points in life one can avoid heart attack to much extent.

But now a days, top executives, managers, officers, and students are living in the environment of tremendous pressure both mentally and physically. Each and everyone wants to dress-up like their competitors and even better than them. No one wants to walk. Everyone jumps in the rat race and wants to defeat others. This creates tension, agitation, frustration, irritation, etc. in their lives. All these human beings punishes themselves in all aspect of their life- viz. mentally, physically, professionally, etc. this is an invitation to cardiovascular disease and give accede too many related diseases.

But the main cause of all these is ‘tension’. So to get rid of tension, corporate world include Bhagvat Gita-executive manual in their culture. This allows each and everyone to review the lesson of Lord Krishna, which helps them to work ethically with full devotion by keeping their tranquil mind, else our body would be a robot with full of instructions with mechanistic life style.

Even people all around the world accepted that Bhagvat Gita is the biggest source of motivation due to its pragmatic wisdom. It suggests that get out of the rat race. Always think positive and maintain happy, stable and healthy life. Good actions will give good results. “Your Right only is to work only, but never to the fruit thereof. Let not the fruit of action be your object, nor inaction your attachment.” Even this essence also mentioned in the movie “Three Idiots”.

And one word for the whole article is “EXCELLENCE”

Chase excellence and success will always chase you.

I am beginner and trying to inculcate excellence in life. I also suggest you to do the same. All the best.

one link is here to know Verse 57 Chapter 2.

Monday, January 18, 2010

What to Blog? and Why to Blog?

Blogging is perhaps the most popular method of writing on the web - it's an example of citizen journalism and self expression at its finest. But starting a blog can be difficult! The most successful blogs in terms of page views and revenue earnings are topical blogs that focus on one subject or theme. But many aspiring bloggers are in need of ideas for a blog!

Consider the following blogging subjects and ideas for a topical blog:

Animals and Pets

• Bird Watching
• Dog Breeds, Cat Breeds, etc.

• Pets Available for Adoption

• Pet Care and Pet Health

• Pet Products

• Arts and Crafts for Children

• Raising Children

• Homeschooling Children

• Raising Gifted Children

• Raising Disabled Children Gardening
• Desert


• Gardening Techniques

• Tropical Gardening

Health and Diet

• Dieting and Weight Loss

• Diseases, Medical Conditions

• Healthy Living
• Pregnancy and Parenting

Hobbies and Arts
• Biking
• Boating

• Carpentry
• Car Repair, Hot Rods, Car Shows

• Coin Collecting, Stamp Collecting
• Cooking Techniques and Styles
• Hiking

• Painting or Drawing Tips and Techniques
• Photography
• Sewing, Quilting, Knitting

• Sports

• Skiing or Snowboarding
• Writing, Poetry, Journaling


• Eco-Friendly Living
• Green Living Tips

• Home Decorating
• Home Renovation
• Home Repair

• Housekeeping Tips
• Living on a Budget
• Selling Homes and Property

• Caring for Elderly Family Members

• Marriages and Dating

• Parenting Tips and Techniques

Society and Politics
• Celebrities
• News
• Politics

• Professions (i.e. teaching, nursing, etc.)


• Blogging

• Writing for the Web

• Making Money on the Web
• Websites (i.e. eBay)
• Gadgets and Electronics
• Digital Photography
• Television, Movies


• Travel Destinations
• Travel Tips and Advice

• Family Vacation Tips and Advice
• Vacations on a Budget

• A Travel Log

When it comes to blogging, the sky is the limit. Many bloggers opt to blog about a hobby, activity or sport that interests them.
Other bloggers who are searching for a blog topic will write about something they know, such as their profession or parenting.

Another great idea for a blog involves writing about an experience in a way that documents the experience, while educating others.

Some bloggers opt to start a blog about their battle with diseases, while others write blog entries as they pay off debt or travel from place to place on a backpacking trip.

Promotional blogs are another style of blog that's quickly gaining popularity. Promotional bloggers will blog about their business or organization as a way to attract customers, employees, organization supporters, or donors.

Other web writers opt to use their blog as an editorial platform, where they can share thoughts, opinions and ideas about politics, current events, news and ethical issues in society.

A few bloggers even use their blog as a type of journal that serves as an outlet to record and contemplate the blogger's experiences.
So for, if someone is interested in writing a blog, he or she has to read a lot, as far as subject of matter is concerned. And at last, it helps in improving in English language. So keep blogging. A small video link that helps in deciding whether or not to blog.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

"How far we are!!!"

When promises come in to actions, then the real strength of promise is realized. The same situation is coming in front of India, where actions are required more than words.

Last year 193 Nation’s Delegates gathered at Copenhagen to curb the green house gas emission. The summit summarized to all major developing nations like India, China, Brazil, South Africa, etc. to reduce their carbon emission to 20% by 2020. These countries are also responding to decrease the temperature of earth by 2 degree Celsius.

For these pledges to take place, India has to put efforts to build up sustainable energy paths. For that, Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission has desirable goal to increase solar power generation capacity from present status of 3 MW to 20,000 MW by the 2020. As far as present status of power generation is considered, it is probably impossible for India. This creates a lot of opportunities to investors and other young project developers to put efforts in this sector whose results will be the cheapest source of energy production by 2030.

Centre for Science and Environment Director Sunita Narain, who is also a member of the Prime Minister’s Council on Climate Change, said, the 20,000 MW plan had been found to be prohibitively expensive.”

The whole project required Rs.270,000 crore for 20 years, and Union Cabinet has cleared a budgetary allocation of only Rs.4,337 crore, which is very less to execute the mission. Because of this, India has to rely more on International funding but this funding will be sanctioned only when India can push at least it’s $10 billion in this sector which is very large in numbers.

So the goal is being reduced to 4,000 MW, official sources said, which would cost the government Rs.90,000 crore over 20 years. “The mission plan is to provide Rs.17.50 per MW feed-in tariff to solar power generators for 20 years,” Narain said. “Out of this, Rs.5.50 will be paid by the utilities and the central government will pay the rest.”

NTPC along with big names are interested in this project including RIL (5 MW Solar PV project), Moser Baer Photovoltaic with Rs.2,000 crore. Tata is also coming as a JV with UK based BP Solar. Their plan is to invest $100 million in Bangalore.

As a journey of thousand miles begins with a single step, so be ready to take actions and start reducing the green house gas emission by yourself as well. You can achieve it by taking reference with this short video.




Monday, January 4, 2010

"3 Idiots!!!"

If each and everyone are same, then I am like you and you are bound to attend my lectures, give attendance and I want to enjoy your free time.

Is this something absolute in the world? Noppps.

I am an Idiot, like Amir Khan mentioned in his movie “3 Idiots”. I saw this movie day before yesterday with close observations in the way, Amir acts. He played a fantastic role and I found that how he is very particular about his role in the movie. As the interval came I keep reminding other distinguished movies like “Rang De Basanti” and “Taare Zameen Par”. Can you make any correlation between these three movies? From my perspective, I am able to interpret these three movies collectively, which are as follows:

  • The central idea of those movies to have transformation in life.
  • Always listen to your heart i.e., what you want to do?
  • Always give your cent percent and put efforts in the right direction at right time.
  • If you do not like to do study or other activities, then there is something in you which probably you don’t know but if you can explore yourself to the fullest you are at top of the world.
  • And at last, the value of idea or plan is ZERO until and unless it is implemented.

In the movie “Rang De Basanti”, which shows, “How DJ and his friends changed because of unjustifiable judgments of politicians about death of MIG pilot Ajay”, which enlighten all those guys to do something to get rid of rusty system.

Again in the movie “Taare Zameen Par” depicts that every child is special and engrossed with a phenomenal quality. So explore it.

Finally “3 Idiots” came in the light, but because of competitive and complicated education system of India, it lacks strength. For example, knowledge of the student is verified by his or her grades or marks and creates differences among them. Other example, if one student wants to study Physics in his or her bachelor degree, then he or she has to study other allied subjects like Foundation, Chemistry, etc. Why he or she is not allowed to study Physics as a subject alone?

Another part is like, students at the age, when they passed Senior Secondary Exams, are not enough mature to elect the subjects of their interest and most of the time parents decides the subject which they feel good for their child. And when they learn further and they come to know that this subject is not meant for them, at that time they become frustrated and can’t escape from their past decision. For example, students who elect Commerce as their subject to study, can’t take admission in Engineering or Bachelor Degree in Science colleges after successful completion of their Higher Secondary Exam. At that time if they want to change their subject, education system doesn’t allow them to change. Right!! And even if Lord Bramha Ji do request to change the subject to the ‘System’, still system doesn’t allow. Woww!!

So probably we need to understand what we want and not take decisions on consideration of other’s will or concern. Because at present, everyone is a BRAND, and by this way he or she creates difference from others.

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