Monday, December 7, 2009

"War between left hand and right hand"

If you personally ask me, which hand is more powerful, I will say the hand which give me lead over others.

Few days ago, our defense Minister A. K. Antony said that our army strength is one-third to that of China. But still we can defend ourself in a better way than that of past. The condition of 1973 was very poor as compared to present day. We are the third in Army rank in the whole world.

From last couple of years, India is facing insurgency problem from China and Pakistan. Along with that Naxalites, Ulfa, JKLS, SIMI, and other groups play a major role to create inhuman environment in and around the city.
So the question comes that where to mov
e and with what strengths to move?

In-spite of thinking solely on border
issues, India has to first resolve the conflicts with the internal groups, which provoke peaceful results and humanity in the country. As far as border issues are concern, we have to be more practical and think for the future relation perspectives. Because one time of war can demise the relations for number of year, and globalization creating more flexibility per day basis, both economically and human welfare as well.

Everyone knows that if India starts taking tough actions against Pakistan by announcing war then no matter they( Pakistan) can't stand more than a week. Probably after wining war, WILL INDIA RULES THE PAKISTAN country, no way, they can't do, because we know that we will be at the top in world's Super-Power by 2050. So instead of taking harsh actions against neighbors, India is doing right with their soft "Right hand', it may be Left Hand strategy or Right Hand, and this gives insights that India is wining, and will continue to win and become super-power one day.

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