Wednesday, May 12, 2010

"Rules of LIFE"

When I was attending lecture of Mr. Chand Narayan at PROTON business school, then I jotted down 11 points to live life which are based on certain parameters and rules. Through my observation in life, I tried to elaborate this topic as much as I can with some examples.

  1. I am taking 100% responsibility for whatever I have in my life. My present action for anything creates surplus values or scarcity in my life. If today I refuse to do study, then it’s true that its repercussions will be highly devastating. Probably I will get job, but my designation and my salary package wouldn’t be edge over my peers. I will be a mere effect to my organization. If I talk about past life: for e.g. I am not good in communication, its because I haven’t work hard in this section and today I am facing the problem while giving presentations and other assignments reports. And those who worked they have an edge on me. Because I haven’t worked on this section, I am the only responsible person for this.
  2. Purposeful life. Culture without organization and life without purpose is like a dead man walking around the city. There should be goals in life for different part of life and the duration is the base criteria for segregating short term, mid term and long term goals. Each and every goal can be divided into sub-goals and sub-sub-goals, and start working on those sub-goals. Every second is worth like every thing on this earth is waste.
  3. Decide what you want in life. One should have complete overviews of needs, wants and desire. As I talked about the short term and long term goal. But the ultimate vision should be clear. I still remember one incident I read in a magazine regarding Sachin R. Tendulkar. When he was bound to practice in the field, was watching cricket match on television. When his coach asked about the day practice, he admitted that he didn’t make it. Then Coach Mr. Aacherekar asked him, “Do you want to see those players on the screen or you want to be a part of it?”
  4. Belief in yourself. I would like to explain in terms of Operation management perspective. If one wants to maximize his objective function with the constraints of “greater than or less than”, don’t affect your performance. Some time there might be slack of happiness or surplus of sorrow, but dual value concept should be primary in focus, because change in dual value affect in the objective function value. Belief in yourself is the internal motivation factor which led you to achieve your goal.
  5. Ethical reason is possible. The biggest learning I got in Management College is “NO EXCUSE”. If I start shading my weakness with excuses then I am betraying myself, and the biggest impact is that I don’t want other to degrade my standard of learning or living. But yes if excuses are substantiate with the cause and the cause-effect relationship is justified then excuse is permissible.
  6. Visualize it. Until you dream, you can’t think. The value of Idea is zero, until and unless it is implemented. So visualize your goal and understand the level of happiness and according to that dream, start working to get that happiness.
  7. Take action. This is the second step and most important part of establishing your own ambiance. One management philosophy work in the manufacturing sector. If you want to start a manufacturing unit, then maximum capacity should be one third of your start up capacity. Initially take small steps and then think for big steps.
  8. Act like the person. One should be person oriented not product oriented or result oriented. Robots don’t do mistakes and human beings are not robot, so mistakes can be accepted and try to overcome those mistakes.
  9. Be scared and let’s do it. Don’t postpone things or work for the next day, do it now. Even one legend said that never panic with the work, but being panic until it is completed. Little bit frighten is necessary for being in the work, but don’t overpower it on yourself.
  10. Ask, Ask, And Ask. You are the right person to judge on yourself. Do SWOT analysis for your own image. And get the right feedback for the same. Johari window is also helpful in assessing oneself.
  11. I refuse to take rejection.Don’t compromise your dream with the results. One day everyone will get the milestone of appreciation.
I am not claiming that I am following all rules, which I have mentioned. As I am also in a learning stage and learning to follow these rules in life.

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